Sunday, July 09, 2006

Things not to do in my store:

Here is a random list of things that annoy us and thus, things never to do in our stores:

  1. Walk in eating and/or drinking
  2. Continue eating and/or drinking in my store
  3. Expect any sort of service while eating an ice cream and 'looking' (touching) my products
  4. Come in as I'm about to close.
  5. Come in as I'm closing and want to try on shoes. Several styles. In several different sizes, cos of course, you don't know what size you are either. COME ON! We do NOT appreciate being held up at 9PM on Friday nights, or at 5PM on Sunday nights. If you really do desperately need the shoes, shirt, whatever, you'd better be nice, apologetic, grateful, know what you're looking for and be fast and buy it!!
  6. Never, EVER open or try to pull open our roller doors when we have already obviously closed the store and are cashing up. EVER. Don't even try, because we'll call security. If you ever do have the gall to try and enter our store after we close, you have no recourse against all the abuse we throw at you. Physical and/or verbal. One girl had such a pleasant experience at one of our stores, with this same brave customer that would come in every week at closing time and hold her up, and then one time even opened up the door (cos of course they don't lock from the inside for our safety). Boy did M let her have it. Needless to say, crazy lady didn't come back.
  7. Never try to pull open the door before 9AM on Mon-Sat or 10AM on Sundays. I don't care if it's 5 past or whatever, I have to count my money and we don't get paid to come in any earlier. SO BACK OFF. And banging on the door or trying to peer in WHILE we count doesn't win you any favours either.
  8. Like F said today, which I think is terrible and pointlessly cruel, go along tapping in and messing up our perfectly aligned shoe boxes. Kids in particular, this is you. Be prepared to be told off. Some of us aren't so polite either.
  9. Aimlessly pull apart folded shirts with no intention of buying. Or even trying them on. At least pretend to look interested. "Oh, look at this nice pile of shirts that she's just folded, or is still folding. I wonder what this looks like (pick up top shirt, usually smallest size, pull it open to look at it) Hmm... not bad, I wonder what it looks like in pink... (repeat) Oh, how about the blue, in a size 12." The customer then proceeds to reach down to the size 12, messing up seemingly every other shirt below and on top of it. Yes, that kind of selfishness takes some skill. "No, I don't like it anymore" Dump the lot and move on huffily. Sure, it's our job to pick up after you and fold stuff and put stuff back. That's what we're there for, that's what we're paid to do. But really, would you rather us help you find those shoes, or help you track down that jacket from another store, or angrily ignore you, shoot daggers into the back of your skull and fold stupid shirts all day? The more considerate you are, you'd be surprised how exponentially our level of service improves as well.
  10. Demand a refund on shoes you have already worn. No, I don't care if they rubbed the wrong way, or were a bit too small/big after you walked around the shopping centre in them for 2 hours, TOUGH LUCK. Would YOU buy a pair of shoes someone has gone who knows where in and done who knows what in? No, don't think so. So don't expect any sympathy from me.
  11. Don't try it with clothing, either. And don't even try to wash it and re-tag it, cos we know, so get out of my store, you filthy, cheating liar.
  12. Expect a refund without a receipt. No, a bank statement is not sufficient proof of purchase.
  13. Expect a refund on an item bought last season. Say, on a summer polo shirt when it's now in the middle of winter. I once had a lady try and exchange a shirt bought TWO YEARS AGO. Really, 'I just didn't have time to come in after his birthday' after TWO YEARS is just lame. Sure, it's within my discretion to exchange stuff, but I have to draw the line somewhere. And sometimes, it just depends on my mood... hahah!
  14. Expect a refund or exchange on anything bought from a clearance store. No, I don't care if we have the exact same item you want, unless you're willing to pay the difference, beat it.
  15. Mess up my shoes. Ok, I can now accept that "browsing" sometimes involves touching as WELL as looking (although, to browse, in the strict definition, only involves looking), don't pull out random boxes looking for a style/size and pull out the shoes all over the place, leaving stuffing everywhere so the boxes don't close properly, then the boxes don't line up properly, then don't go and put them back back to front and in the wrong spot. THAT IS WHY WE ASK IF WE CAN FIND A SIZE FOR YOU. So you don't mess up our shoes and then face our wrath. Cos really, no one wants to see that at 10AM. So, in response to our offer of help, if you're going to say "no thanks, I'm just browsing" then browse neatly and preferably without touching anything.
  16. Let your kids run amok and mess up our mirrors. Sure, some kids are cute, and it's funny how they're fascinated by our little mirrors, but no juicy/snotty/ice-cream hands thanks.
  17. Don't even try to get a refund/exchange on undies. No. "But I just tried them on, and they were too big/small" You should be ashamed of yourself. Answer will always be no. Don't CARE how much you yell and create a scene and embarrass yourself, say how evil our company is and how you'll never shop here again, and tell all your friends/family (if you have any, FREAK) likewise, answer will still be NO. Get out.

Hmmm that's it for now. Today was not altogether a bad day. I haven't been as moody and impatient as I can be. And have been. Let's wait til next week when I have to work at a different store say 40-45mins away. Great. I'm sure I'll have lots to add then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.